Want extra games? Can’t commit to a full season?

We run trials/casual games as an opportunity for new players to try out the club and for teams to recruit.


A standard 36 minute game is $8 per player (+ Club Membership*) and you will play without substitutes.

A one hour session is $8 per player for 5-a-side and $10 per player for 7-a-side (+ Club Membership*) and there will generally be substitutes. You are guaranteed a minimum 36 minutes of game time.

*Club Membership for ONE season is $30 or $5 for single day pass.


  1. FILL OUT THE FORM to join our ‘fill-in & casual games’ mailing list

  2. RECEIVE An email with details of casual games & opportunities to fill-in for a league game


We welcome players at any level of experience, from beginner to elite and offer Division 1 & Premier (Competitive) and Divisions 2 & 3 (Social) events.

Divisions 2 & 3 leagues have a friendly and supportive social atmosphere and are perfect for those who are coming back to the game or transitioning from outdoor football. Our social league referees will help guide you through the rules as you learn.

Division 1 leagues are highly competitive and are for players who take the game more seriously.

Premier leagues are for the highest of the high level teams at 5v5.

Dress Code, Protective Gear & Insurance

This is a futsal league and outdoor plastic or metal studs of any sort are strictly prohibited.

Fees include individual player accident insurance.

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